

AEMED 2025

Mediterranean Agroecology Congress

23 involved countries: Gibraltar, Spain, France, Principality of Monaco, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Palestinian Territories, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Malta, and Cyprus.


Guido Bissanti

President of the Agroecology Coordination of Sicily

Guido Bissanti, born in Cinisi (PA) in 1955, is an Agronomist with a degree in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Palermo, where he also worked as a researcher and lecturer. He has held important institutional roles, including president of the Order of Agronomists of Agrigento and the Sicilian Federation, and has been a member of various national and international bodies. He is the president of the Agroecology Coordination of Sicily and a promoter of regional agroecology laws. He has published numerous scientific works and essays, and was awarded the National Environment Prize "Gianfranco Merli" in 2016. Additionally, he was the scientific director of the Mediterranean Identity Festival in 2024.

Full Curriculum Vitae


G. Cesare Pacini

President of the Italian Association of Agroecology (AIDA)

The Associate Professor of Agronomy and Herbaceous Crops at the University of Florence, specialized in Agroecology, graduated in Agricultural Sciences in 1997 with top honors. After working as a technician in Tuscany, he won a Marie-Curie fellowship for a three-year PhD at Wageningen University, Netherlands, where he obtained his PhD in 2003. He has participated in numerous national and international research projects, including EU programs and FAO consultancies. He is the scientific director of the Montepaldi experiment, a comparative study between organic and conventional agriculture. Founder and president of AIDA, he has also coordinated the national DIFFER project and works on improving agricultural sustainability. His research interests include agroecology, biodiversity, and simulation models for the sustainable management of agroecosystems.

Full Curriculum Vitae


Alberto Mantino

President of the Italian Association of Agroforestry (AIAF)

A researcher in animal nutrition and feeding at the University of Pisa, he focuses on the transition to sustainable farming systems, with particular attention to mixed and agroforestry models. He has participated in numerous national and international projects, developing participatory approaches to improve synergies in livestock systems and promote agro-environmental and socio-economic resilience in response to climate change. Since 2022, he has been the President of the Italian Association of Agroforestry (AIAF) and, since 2020, he has represented Italy in the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF).

Full Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Commitee

Name - Entity

Giovanni Dara Guccione * - CREA-PB Palermo

Everaldo Attard - University of Malta - Msida

Paolo Bàrberi - AEEU and AIDA Board member

Chiara Flora Bassignana - Assegnista di Ricerca - AGRI-02/UNISG

Stefano Bocchi - Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali – UNIMI (AIDA)

Sara Bosi - Dipartimento (DISTAL) - Università di Bologna

Ferdinando Branca - Di3A - UNICT

Jenny Calabrese - CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute

Stefano Canali - CREA – AA

Censu Caruana - University of Malta - Msida

Corrado Ciaccia - CREA – AA

Gianni Cicia - Dipartimento di Agraria - UNINA

Stefano Colazza - Dipartimento SAAF - UNIPA

Luca Colombo - FIRAB ETS

Giovanni Dinelli - Dipartimento (DISTAL) - Università di Bologna

Edward Duca - University of Malta - Msida

Pierre Ferrand - Agriculture Officer (Agroecology) at FAO

Antonello Franca - CNR – ISPAAM Sassari e membro del direttivo AIAF

Fabio Gresta - Dipartimento SciVet – UNIME

Paolo Guarnaccia - Di3A - UNICT

Cristina Laurenti - Dipartimento FiBL Svizzera e board member AEEU

Alberto Mantino - Ricercatore Università di Pisa e Presidente AIAF

Federica Matteoli - FAO – OCB

Giuseppina Migliore - Dipartimento SAAF – UNIPA

Paola Migliorini - Dipartimento ACP - UNISG AEEU board member

Gaio Cesare Pacini - Dipartimento AGRI - UNIFI (presidente AIDA)

Anna Panozzo - Università di Padova e membro del direttivo AIAF

Davide Primucci - Settore Verde, Parchi e Agricoltura Urbana del Comune di Padova

Patrizia Pugliese - CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute

Adolfo Rosati - CREA OFA - Spoleto

Paola Quatrini - Dipartimento DiSTeM - UNIPA

Giorgio Schifani - Dipartimento STeBiCeF - UNIPA

Giuseppe Timpanaro - Di3A - UNICT

Raffaele Zanoli - Dipartimento D3A - UNIVPM

 * Coordinatore

Organizing Committee

Name - Entity

Rossana Danile * - Professionista Libera (CAS)

Caterina Batello - Vicepresidente AIDA

Francesca Camilli - CNR (AIAF)

Francesco Cancellieri - Presidente AssoCEA Messina APS

Giuseppe Lo Pilato - Professionista Libero

Maria Giovanna Mangione - Professionista Libera (CAS)

Martina Maurer - Imprenditrice Agricola (CAS)

Valentina Palmeri - Deputato XVI e XVII Legislatura – ARS (CAS)

Riccardo Testa - Dipartimento SAAF – UNIPA (CAS)

Alfio Furnari - Professionista Libero (CAS)

Pierluigi Paris - CNR (AIAF)

 * Coordinator

Via Santa Sofia, 27 (AG)
+ 39 348 240 27 82