Congress Agenda

AEMED 2025

This page contains the complete agenda of the AEMED 2025 Congress, with all the daily details. You will find all the information about topics, sessions, speakers, and presentation schedules.

First Day

9 June 2025

Institutional Greetings - Conference Center

9,00 AM

Representatives of the organizing associations and representatives of the institutions.

Biodiversity and Climate Change

Morning: Biodiversity and Resilient Agricultural and Food Systems

10,00 AM Farmers' Issues (30 min):

Two speakers, selected from among the farmers or other actors involved in the initiatives leading up to the AEMED 2025 Congress (agroecology caravan), will introduce the session, each for a duration of 15 minutes. The agroecology caravan is a journey where various associations, including AIAF, AIDA, and CAS, organize meetings with farmers and communities on grassroots topics. At the end of the meetings, farmers and other actors, including citizens, summarize the discussions in brief documents and converge on Agrigento to bring the needs of their territories. The caravan does not end with the Agrigento event and is co-organized by AIAF, AIDA, CAS, Rete Humus, UPBio, Rete Semi Rurali, Veneto Agricoltura-UNIPD, GdL Sovranità Alimentare - Co-Energia, Deafal, and Mani Tese (Azione TerrAE), and the Montespertoli Food Community with the specific intent of contributing to a broad agroecological movement in Italy and the Mediterranean.

10,30 AM Plenary Session (60 min):

The importance of biodiversity in managing agricultural systems resilient to climate challenges, environmental pressures, and the global market is explored. How sciences, practices, and agroecological movements can promote the integration of animal, plant, and microorganism species to maintain the balance of agroecosystems and generate ecosystem services. Cultural biodiversity as a source of innovation and creativity is an integral part of agricultural societies and agroecosystems.

11:30 AM Coffee Break.

"12:00 PM Subthemes for 2-3 panels and parallel sessions (90 min):

The subthemes are indicative, defining the domain of the topics to be addressed but can be modified as the stages of the agroecology caravan reveal the needs of the territories:

1. Local varieties and underutilized species: innovation for resilience.
Themes: Recovery of traditional varieties, resilient seeds, conservation practices.

2. Agroforestry practices and rational grazing for the health of agroecosystems.
Themes: Agrosilvopastoral systems, animal and plant biodiversity.

3. Green infrastructure and agricultural diversification to promote health.
Themes: Permanent meadows, diversified rotations, crop integration.

1:30 PM Lunch.

Biodiversity and Climate Change

Afternoon: Agroecology, Mitigation, and Adaptation to Climate Change

2:30 PM Farmers' Issues (30 min):

Two speakers, selected from among the farmers, will introduce the session, each for a duration of 15 minutes. They are chosen from the stages of the agroecology caravan.

3:30 PM Plenary Session (60 min):

It analyzes how agri-food systems, characterized by the application of agroecological principles and methods, can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the improvement of carbon sequestration capacity, and adaptation to extreme climate events. It will consider how agroecology can help mitigate the effects of climate change by promoting sustainable agri-food systems.

4:30 PM Subthemes for panels and parallel workshops (90 min):

The subthemes are indicative, defining the domain of the topics we will address, but can be modified as the stages of the agroecology caravan reveal the needs of the territories:

1. Carbon sequestration and regenerative practices for the soil.
Themes: Green manures, minimum tillage, composting, cover crops.

2. Adaptation to climate change: agro-silvo-pastoral systems.
Themes: Water resilience, natural resource management, integrated approaches.

3. Reduction of inputs and sustainable alternatives.
Themes: Reduction of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, short supply chains for technical means, irrigation management, water harvesting.

Second Day

10 June 2025

Food Systems and Innovation - Conference Center

"Morning: Sustainable Food Systems and Social Justice

9:30 AM Farmers' Issues (30 min):

Two speakers, selected from among the farmers, will introduce the session, each for a duration of 15 minutes. They are chosen from the stages of the agroecology caravan.

10:00 AM Plenary Session (60 min):

It examines the role of agroecology in promoting more equitable and sustainable food systems. This theme explores the connection between agroecological practices, food sovereignty, food security, workers' rights, and the reduction of social and gender inequalities, especially in rural communities.

11:00 AM Coffee Break.

11:30 AM Subthemes for 2-3 panels and parallel workshops (90 min):

The subthemes are indicative, defining the domain of the topics we will address, but can be modified as the stages of the agroecology caravan reveal the needs of the territories:

1. Short supply chains and local markets for equitable food sovereignty.
Themes: Access to resources, local markets, workers' protection.

2. One Health: agroecology for the health of people, animals, and the environment.
Themes: Agroecology and well-being, integration of health perspectives in food systems.

3. Agroecology and social inclusion:
Themes: gender perspectives and decolonization, intersectional approaches, gender equity, local governance.

4. Fair price:
Themes: perspectives and education on the same.

1:00 PM Lunch.

Food Systems and Innovation - Conference Center

Afternoon: Agroecology, Mitigation, and Adaptation to Climate Change.

2:30 PM Farmers' Issues (30 min):

Two speakers, selected from among the farmers, will introduce the session, each for a duration of 15 minutes. They are chosen from the stages of the agroecology caravan.

3:00 PM Plenary Session (60 min):

It explores the role of innovative technologies in supporting the development of agroecological agri-food systems, integrating traditional knowledge. This theme includes research on digital technologies applied to agri-food systems, from field to table, to improve sustainability and integrate with renewable energy sources.

4:00 PM Subthemes for 2-3 panels and parallel workshops (90 min):

The subthemes are indicative, defining the domain of the topics we will address, but can be modified as the stages of the agroecology caravan reveal the needs of the territories:

1. Digital technologies to monitor and improve agroecosystems.
Themes: Soil health sensors, water management, big data.

2. ICT for knowledge sharing and participatory governance.
Themes: Digital platforms for local networks, tools for decisions based on environmental data.

3. Innovation and technologies for integration with renewable energy sources in agroforestry systems.
Themes: Agrivoltaics, sustainable energy management.

Third Day

11 June 2025

Visits and Practical Workshops - Local Farms


9:00 AM Guided Tours

Agroecological farms in Sicily practicing integrated systems (agroforestry, techniques to improve soil functions, intercropping, rational grazing, short supply chains).

Exploring specific practices related to the themes of the previous days. Practical workshops on the farms:
1. Regenerative soil techniques in the field.
2. Agroforestry practices and rational grazing management.
3. Recovery of the traditional agricultural system.
4. Mediterranean biodiversity and local varieties.
5. Building local networks for territorial development.
6. Building local markets: co-design with producers and consumers.
7. Agroecology to protect crops from adversities.
8. Fair wages and social inclusion in agroecological farms.
9. Enhancing agroecological production and farm diversification.

1:00 PM Lunch.

Visits and Practical Workshops - Local Farms

Afternoon: Reflections and Cultural Moment - Pirandello Theater

6:00 PM Humanity on the Move.

7:30 PM Musical Event.

9:00 PM Official Dinner.

Fourth Day

12 June 2025

Round Table and Documents


9:30 AM Policies for Agroecology (60-minute plenary).

10:30 AM Round table on policies at the national/regional level.

11:00 AM Round table on European policies (in-depth discussion on policy instruments for agroecology research).

11:30 AM Coffee Break.

12:00 PM Round table on Mediterranean policies.

12:30 PM Debate, Insights, and Concluding Reflections.

1:30 PM Conclusion of the Conference.

Via Santa Sofia, 27 (AG)
+ 39 348 240 27 82


Copyright © 2024 – Coordinamento Agroecologia Sicilia


Via Santa Sofia, 27

92100 Agrigento – Italia



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