
If you want to make a donation for the purposes and objectives of our Organization you can make a donation by making the donation payable to:
Coordinamento Agroecologia Sicilia –
Banca Etica –
IBAN: IT59R0501804600000020000054 –

Reason: Donation for Activities.

The important thing you need to remember is that the ODVs (Volunteer Organisations), such as the Sicilian Agroecology Coordination, with the Third Sector reform, can offer a deduction on the donation equal to 35% of the sum donated.
Also remember that under current legislation, the deduction applies with a donation amount limit of up to 10% of the declared income. The part that “goes beyond” can be deducted in subsequent years, up to the fourth year.

You can view it below Statute of the Sicily Agroecology Coordination.